error pulling image configuration: received unexpected HTTP status: 502 Bad Gateway
Closed this issue · 2 comments
wopincm commented
Ⅰ. Issue Description
docker run -d --name supernode \
--restart=always --net=host \
docker run -d --name dfclient \
--restart=always --net=host \
dragonflyoss/dfclient:1.0.2 \
--registry --node
cat /etc/docker/daemon.json | grep registry-mirrors
"registry-mirrors": [""],
docker pull nginx:1.16.0-alpine
Trying to pull repository ...
1.16.0-alpine: Pulling from
e7c96db7181b: Already exists
8985e402e050: Pulling fs layer
error pulling image configuration: received unexpected HTTP status: 502 Bad Gateway
Ⅱ. Describe what happened
error pulling image configuration: received unexpected HTTP status: 502 Bad Gateway
Ⅲ. Describe what you expected to happen
Ⅳ. How to reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible)
Ⅴ. Anything else we need to know?
Ⅵ. Environment:
- dragonfly version: 1.0.2
- OS (e.g. from /etc/os-release): CentOS
- Kernel (e.g.
uname -a
): 3.10 - Install tools: docker
- Others:
wopincm commented
Is anyone here?
jim3ma commented
Can you upload some dfdaemon log?