
Is there any way to enable/disable UAC1 when headset plugin/plugout?

ranbochen opened this issue · 6 comments


單純用 UAC 可能沒辦法實現,據我所知 UAC 的控制請求都是 host to device 的。如果要確認可以詳讀規格書 https://www.usb.org/sites/default/files/audio10.pdf 第五章 Requests。


  1. 用 HID 可以實現 device to host 的命令,但前提是 HID 要支援「禁用 UAC」或類似的命令(參考 USB Audio 2.0: Device to host volume control 的思路)
  2. 不插耳機時,停止 USB 的運作,比如使用 USBD_Stop。插上耳機時,重新初始化 USB。思路是停止 USB 後,列舉無法完成,host 自然不會傳資料。

AudioControl interface可以定义一个interrupt endpoint通知host状态有改变,可以实现device端主动更换input(muc换line-in等),主动更改音量/静音等。通知后host会主动来获取。但是感觉他没有来获取interface的alt-setting(0xA GET-INTERFACE),不然可以主动切换到zero-bandwidth实现?


UAC1.0 DOC 3.7.2 AudioStreaming Interface

In addition, the concepts of dynamic interfaces as described in the Universal Serial Bus Class
Specification can be used to notify the Host software that changes have occurred on the external
connection. This is analogous to switching alternate settings on an AudioStreaming interface with USB
endpoints, except that the switch is now device-initiated instead of Host-initiated.
As an example, consider an S/PDIF connection to an audio function. If nothing is connected to this
external S/PDIF interface, the AudioStreaming interface is idle and reports itself as being dynamic and
non-configured (bInterfaceClass=0x00). If the user connects a standard IEC958 signal to the audio
function, the S/PDIF receiver inside the audio function detects this and notifies the Host that the
AudioStreaming interface has switched to its IEC958 mode (alternate setting x).

不知道这个“dynamic interfaces” 和 “bInterfaceClass=0x00”怎么实现,我查了很多文档,都没有找到相关资料,你有什么印象或者资料能分享一下吗?能否用来实现动态切换UAC呢?


UAC1.0 DOC Status Interrupt Endpoint

A USB AudioControl interface can support an optional interrupt endpoint to inform the Host about the status of the different addressable Entities (Terminals, Units, interfaces and endpoints) inside the audio function.

Bit D6 of the bStatusType field indicates a change in memory contents on one of the addressable Entities inside the audio function. This bit is cleared by a Get Memory request[1] on the appropriate Entity.

[1] Get Memory Request

在 AudioControl 開一個 interrupt endpoint。
當耳機插入或拔出時,device 發 interrupt 告訴 host AudioStreaming interface 改變了(插入時從只有 alt setting 0 變成有多個 alt settings,拔出時則相反),host 收到 interrupt 後會發 Get Memory Request 取得新的 alt setting 列表,然後再發 Set Interface 來指定 alt setting。

也許這就是所謂的 dynamic interfaces ?


UAC1.0 DOC Status Interrupt Endpoint

A USB AudioControl interface can support an optional interrupt endpoint to inform the Host about the status of the different addressable Entities (Terminals, Units, interfaces and endpoints) inside the audio function.

Bit D6 of the bStatusType field indicates a change in memory contents on one of the addressable Entities inside the audio function. This bit is cleared by a Get Memory request[1] on the appropriate Entity.

[1] Get Memory Request

在 AudioControl 開一個 interrupt endpoint。
當耳機插入或拔出時,device 發 interrupt 告訴 host AudioStreaming interface 改變了(插入時從只有 alt setting 0 變成有多個 alt settings,拔出時則相反),host 收到 interrupt 後會發 Get Memory Request 取得新的 alt setting 列表,然後再發 Set Interface 來指定 alt setting。

也許這就是所謂的 dynamic interfaces ?

现在就是不知道通过什么方式,把新的config descriptor信息传给host(我目前测试interrupt报告有更改之后,host没有发送GET-DESC等标准请求来获取新的descriptor。由于stm32的库功能不全,也可能是我测试过程中有错误逻辑)

. 在Audio Stream中加入一个 selecter 单元,将mic和usb(手机)都作为speaker的输入源
. 插上耳机之后,将speaker-stream输入源通过selector设置为USB(手机);拔出之后设置为mic
. 通过interrupt通知手机,stream 有改变