
Blender addon to automate cleanup of photo-scanned 3d models

Primary LanguagePython


Turn your 3d scans into usable assets


  • Bake multiple textures to from high to low poly meshes
  • Resize textures to smaller files
  • Decimate model into multiple LOD's
  • Export models into multiple file formats
  • Render detailed preview images


  1. Download this repository (.zip)
  2. In Blender: Edit, Preferences, Addons, Install
  3. Select downloaded zip file
  4. Enable the 'Postgrammetry' addon
  5. Panel is located in the viewport after pressing 'N'


  1. Install python modules
    sudo apt install python3-pip
    pip3 install fake-bpy-module-2.83
  2. Install Blender Development Extension for Visual Studio Code
  3. Download Blender from https://www.blender.org
  4. Start Blender (CTRL + SHIFT + P and select 'Blender: Start'
  5. To reload the addon select 'Blender: 'Reload Addons'