
Adrenalin compatibility

drandarov-io opened this issue · 0 comments

Hey Dahaka! Sorry for the slow response about compatibility with Adrenaline.

Instead of reading the moodle level, you could read the exact fatigue value using:

This gives you a number between [0, 1.0]
The max level of the tired moodle occurs when fatigue >= 0.9

For compatiblity with adrenaline, I store how much fatigue has been reduced in a global variable in the player mod data:

so this code would give you a proper reading of the players fatigue (with or without adrenaline) to base your pass out logic on:

local effectiveFatigue = playerObject:getStats():getFatigue()
if playerObject:getModData().adrenalineFatigue then
effectiveFatigue = effectiveFatigue + playerObject:getModData().adrenalineFatigue
