
Work on Android only

arichiardi opened this issue · 8 comments

I would like to ask whether it would be possible to work on Android (no XCode installed) and Linux.

If no, which I can already see when I do re-natal init myApp, what could be done to contribute this feature? Is it a lot of work?

Thanks and very good job!

The problem is a call to getUuidForDevice 'iPhone 6' during the init command, this is needed to for re-natal launch command to have some device pre-selected.
I am thinking to drop the re-natal launch command completely for now. This command is used only to start the iOS app without openning xcode. Personally I never use it because error log is only available in xcode, so I would give it away for Linux compatibility.

I will do it during the weekend probably, but if you have it working sooner just drop a PR

Had some time for hacking and published v0.2.8 it should at least generate project on Linux. I have not tested all the way, please let me know if it worked out or not.

So fast! I will try in a few hours

Roger commented

Ha! just started and ran it on linux/android, now i see it's supported only 20hs ago =), nice work!

Thanks! Glad it works! :]

It creates the app structure but in my case it does not build it, complaining that it is missing ANDROID_HOME, which of course is there (checked with echo $ANDROID_HOME).
I will investigate why.

Just wanted to share that the android build worked on my linux machine with genymotion! However, I had to run react-native start, which I don't think is included in the README.


node: 4.2.0
re-natal: 0.2.10
chrome: 47.0.2526.80 (64-bit)
genymotion: 2.6.0
linux mint: 17.1

Thanks a lot! I have put a note about running in linux and react-native start to readme. This might be some temporary problem in react-native CLI. According to Linux and Windows support guide react-native start should be required only for Windows. Anyways, thanks again for the feedback!