
Primary LanguageJavaScript

This app was built as a partial requirement for the Frontend Engineering assesment for HeliCarrier.

Deliverables :

  • Framework (React)
  • Fetch Data from a graphQL API and render the data.
  • Data must contain at least 20 rows of data groups with different dates
  • Filter the displayed data with specific inputs.
  • Search data with inputs


As i could not find a perfect API fit for my use case. I used the json-graphql-server library to create my own data model and tried to mock the data best i can.

To run this app,

You have to start up the mocked API for by running json-graphql-server mock.js --p 3001 in the terminal (root of your application). Leave it running

Then proceed to running yarn start in another terminal (root of your application) to start up the application.

This application is bootstrapped using

CRA, Chakra UI for an easy to mockup UI, ApolloClient for fetching the data and JSON-GRAPHQL-SERVER for mocking the data and running it on your local machine