
can't convert

shinriyo opened this issue · 1 comments

it is gold metaric css.

background: linear-gradient(120.07deg, #FFE5C5 17.61%, #D2B38B 50.22%, #F1DDC3 83.52%);

result is below

new Container( 
  decoration: BoxDecoration(
    image: new DecorationImage(
      image: new ExactAssetImage('linear-gradient(120.07deg, rgb(255, 229, 197) 17.61%, rgb(210, 179, 139) 50.22%, rgb(241, 221, 195) 83.52%'),
      fit: BoxFit.auto,
      repeat: ImageRepeat.repeat,

but, strange

and BoxFit.auto, is a mistake.
BoxFit.fill, is better.

Oh, it's really complicated to deal with gradients. I have fixed it.