Jpeg vs jpg
Closed this issue · 4 comments
mudnug commented
drbap commented
Thanks for stopping by and the comment. Sure, I will add it to the list of features to implement in the next update.
Stay tuned.
All the best
mudnug commented
It looks like the relevant code is in dn.ts here
const extensions: Record<string, TFile[]> = {
'md': arrNotes,
// Image formats
'png': arrImages,
'jpg': arrImages,
'jpeg': arrImages,
'webp': arrImages,
'ico': arrImages,
'bmp': arrImages,
'gif': arrImages,
'tif': arrImages,
'tiff': arrImages,
'raw': arrImages,
'svg': arrImages,
'psd': arrImages,
// Audio formats
'mp3': arrAudios,
'wav': arrAudios,
'ogg': arrAudios,
'webm': arrAudios,
'aac': arrAudios,
'flac': arrAudios,
'm4a': arrAudios,
// Video formats
'mp4': arrVideos,
'avi': arrVideos,
'mov': arrVideos,
'wmv': arrVideos,
'flv': arrVideos,
'mkv': arrVideos,
// Document formats
'pdf': arrPDFs,
// Other
'canvas': arrCanvas
drbap commented
Please check plugin version 2.1.0. Let me know if it is working well for you. The .jpeg files should be listed as images now (not Other).
- Added image file extensions -> category of images: jpeg, svg, avif.
- Added audio file extensions -> category of audios: aac, flac, aiff, m4a.
- Added video file extensions -> category of videos: mov, mkv.
If it is working ok, you can close this issue. Thanks for the suggestions.
All the best
mudnug commented
Yes, I tested with jpeg files with the latest release and the update is working as desired!