
FYI - Chrome bypasses your DNS Resolvers

TraderStf opened this issue · 5 comments


Block (www.)facebook.com in routeur, /etc/hosts, littlesnitch...
All DNS Resolvers are set to e.g. : ip4/6 or others google DNS IP4/6 are NOT existing anywhere
No VPN...

Click on a facebook.com link.

After few seconds, FaceCrooK can't be reached
LittleSnitch displays Chrome wants to connect to, Deny,

Chrome bypasses user/router/mac settings 👎

To disable this:

Chrome prefs
Disable ~'display site suggestions if it can not be reached'


MC & HNY ⛄️

drduh commented

Good eye, may make sense to sinkhole traffic to those addresses with PF as well.

Will test few others. wonder if it's chrome or chromium.

Should make a sinkhole for internet apps: chrome, ff, safari, mail...

I think to all the checking included in them: update, safe site, pw stolen... and more obvious one like 'remote-fonts' and all those little 'nice trackers' provided for our security 👀

FYI, don't want to create a new case. We should have some kind of blabla case/posts.

This might perhaps interest you

I will post asap the connections made by most browsers.

drduh commented

Updated with 7aa6381