
Custom datatypes [dReal v3.16.04.01] [OSX 10.11.4]

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I have recently moved to dReal from z3 due to its obvious advantage dealing with non-linear theories. However, for some of the problems I have been working on, I wish to declare functions with a non-numeric(i.e string or character) domain.

For e.g in z3:
(declare-datatypes () ((State stopped running)))
was a supported statement which declared the datatype State with the domain {stopped,running}.

I could then simply declare a function as
(declare-fun currentState () State)

and it would set the domain for currentState to {stopped,running}

Is there any way to declare such custom datatypes in dReal as well?

Hi @Nikh13,

Unfortunately, we don't support declare-datatypes. As far as I know, it's an experimental feature which possibly will be included in the next standard of SMTLIB.

We do support Bool, Int, and Real sorts. I think you may encode the datatype using two Bool variables.