
Is there a credential websocket example? I encountered authentication failure using usip service

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    1. This is my USIP setup.
# usip about
    1. Then python-usip was used and the following error occurred
INFO: - "GET /credential HTTP/1.1" 200 OK
INFO:     ('', 57961) - "WebSocket /credential" 403
INFO:     connection rejected (403 Forbidden)
INFO:     connection closed
    1. To address the above error, I added the route @app.websocket("/credential")
async def websocket_endpoint(websocket: WebSocket):
    await websocket.accept()
    await websocket.send_text("{}")
    1. But something went wrong with the universer container.
caller=[/home/runner/work/universer/universer/internal/biz/usip.go:291] service.id=bea0152ad487 service.name=Universer service.version=v0.2.14 trace.id= span.id= user.id= feature.id= msg=[CredentialVerify] json.NewDecoder.Decode err: invalid character 'Á' looking for beginning of value

Whether using websocket.send_text, websocket.send_json, etc., the above error will occur. How do I handle the authentication of this websocket?

We found websocket in web only support cookie header credential, you can use cookie to deal with it, there is a demo but it is golang: https://github.com/dream-num/usip-example/tree/main/go-usip/demo2 . We will give a resulotion for authorization header in the future.

The nodejs demo has been updated to use cookies #5