
Windows - Python crashes on "Finding Beats" or "Getting Amplitudes"

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Hi, I'm trying to get this working on Windows and I've ran into an issue.

Python will always crash at either "Finding Beats" or "Getting Amplitudes", depending on the input file. It seems to always crash without fail at "Getting Amplitudes" if it manages to pass "Finding Beats". I'm not sure what is different about the first track I'm trying that causes it to fail at the beats.

I'm far from experienced enough to even fathom what the issue might be, especially if it's serious enough to completely crash Python.

Is there any way to get around this? Thanks.

Here's a picture of the error it gives on both occasions:

Ah, my apologies. This issue was caused by not using Python 2.7. This issue is now resolved, however I'm having 2 other problems that I'll make an issue for.