
raise NoBackendError()

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Hey, I'm kinda new in programming, but I really want to use this software. After some time trying to install this I managed to finally (kinda) make it work. but when I use this line of code to start it:

dinkleberg@ubuntu:~/Desktop/Remixatron-master$ python infinite_jukebox.py '/home/dinkleberg/Desktop/Remixatron-master/audio.mp3' -verbose

it outputs this like in the images.
screenshot from 2019-02-10 13-58-16
screenshot from 2019-02-10 14-02-24

This is the text that shows up:

[# ] loading file and extracting raw audioTraceback (most recent call last):
File "infinite_jukebox.py", line 263, in
progress_callback=MyCallback, do_async=False, use_v1=args.use_v1)
File "/home/dinkleberg/Desktop/Remixatron-master/Remixatron.py", line 164, in init
File "/home/dinkleberg/Desktop/Remixatron-master/Remixatron.py", line 187, in __process_audio
y, sr = librosa.core.load(self.__filename, mono=False, sr=None)
File "/home/dinkleberg/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/librosa/core/audio.py", line 112, in load
with audioread.audio_open(os.path.realpath(path)) as input_file:
File "/home/dinkleberg/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/audioread/init.py", line 116, in audio_open
raise NoBackendError()

I'm using a Virtual Machine of Ubuntu, on windows 10 host. And after install it I had to turn on "stereo mix" on windows because the VM had no sound and showed up a error message on boot. Is that the problem?
Can someone help me or guide me how to fix this? Thanks in advance

you're missing ffmpeg on your system. See here to fix:

Hi, sorry for the late answer.

I did what you said and it works when I save the audio remix using the example 3. It saves the file and it works like expected, but the other ones give me this error:
screenshot from 2019-02-28 11-11-57

But at least I can already use it, so it's fine by me.

Thank you! This is an amazing software.
Best regards.

I used this one: python infinite_jukebox.py faixa4.mp3 -verbose
It loads, it says testing cluster, creating vector and everything but then it shows that error message.

Without the "-verbose" it loads again and says testing cluster, vector, and shows this:
screenshot from 2019-02-28 12-36-54

Yes Sir. It happens with every song that I try, but when I say to save the audio it works fine.

Here is the google drive folder.

I had this exact error as well. I used pip3 instead of pip and python3 instead of python for commands and now it works

In general, Python 2.7 is going away on Jan 1st, so I'm not supporting it anymore. You should be using Python 3 (preferably 3.6+ and in a Virtualenv) for this code.