
Glow green if visible

dragutinv55 opened this issue · 4 comments

I was trying to implement green glow, if enemy is visible using this code:

if (Wallhack)
  Entity ent = CreateEntity(EntityAddr);
  if (ent.isValidPlayer() && !ent.IsDormant())
    Vector3 localPosition = LocalPlayerEnt.getHeadPosition();
    Vector3 entityPosition = ent.GetBonePosition(HEAD_BONE_ID);
    bool Visible = bspParser.is_visible(localPosition, entityPosition, true);
    //pass Visible=true flag to draw green glow
    ent.SetCorrectGlowStruct(OurTeam, GlowObject, Visible);

The problem is that it shows green glow even behind the doors and on the edges of the walls. If it is behind a wall - it works OK. Is there an easy way to create is_truly_visible to include doors, smokes etc. ?

You can start by searching about BSP parsing and how to make it more precise. If you can improve the current one in this project, we would love to see a PR and test it.


When checking the articles they say that BSP is not that precise technique. Found some code that uses TraceRay call in cs libs like this:

CreateInterface = (tCreateInterface)GetProcAddress((HMODULE)enginedll, "CreateInterface");
IEngineTrace* EngineTrace = (IEngineTrace*)GetInterface(CreateInterface, "EngineTraceClient004");
  ray.Init(eyepos, targeteyepos);
  EngineTrace->TraceRay(ray, MASK_SHOT | CONTENTS_GRATE, &tracefilter, &trace);

Do you think it would be possible to call this from driver using something like KeUserModeCallBack?

Big NO for you. You can't treat kernel like you are internal. We just told you what you should be doing, instead ur just asking us pretty much non sense. I already have seen some good bsp parsing examples, it's doable. If you don't want that, you should be going internal and using trace ray instead.

Please for everyone reading this, @dretax made a wonderful base for newcomers to learn about kernel hacking. Please use this project for learning and not just cheating.