
MPEG-2.5 not supported with mp3 files

MuhamedRaafat opened this issue · 8 comments


when I tried to ReadMetadata of an mp3 file, a "MPEG-2.5 not supported" is returned is there any solution to solve this
problem ?

Are you able to publicly provide a sample MP3 file that exhibits this issue? Please ensure it is not copyrighted.

@MuhamedRaafat when I run the library on the file you provided, I see a different error:

EXCEPTION: File format could not be determined

Are you sure that file is producing the same issue you're seeing?

@drewnoakes yes I am recieving the same error as your, but when i try to clone the project and run mp3 class manually i have recieved
MPEG-2.5 not supported

I can't find much information on MPEG-2.5. One source suggests it's an uncommon proprietary format.

My browser is able to play that file just fine, however.

So there are no solutions to deal with this issue?

This will require someone to spend some time investigating this file's format and putting together a pull request to add support. It may be a small or large change. You are welcome to do this investigation and share your findings or even send a pull request to add this support.

@MuhamedRaafat this was addressed by @jbraendle in #314.