Heroku: Provide URL for connection
Marius-Stroe opened this issue · 4 comments
Marius-Stroe commented
I'm trying to deploy it on Heroku. For easy of use, it would be perfect to have an URL to provide the connection to RabbitMQ Server rather than all parts separately.
akka {
actor {
mailbox {
amqp {
url = "amqp://user:password@lemur.cloudamqp.com/mwqzvsln"
connectionTimeout = 1000ms
drexin commented
Sounds good. Could you build that and create a pull request? Should be easy, just check if "url" is present in the config and prefer it over the single settings.
Marius-Stroe commented
Yup, I'm on it :)
drexin commented
Cool, thanks!
Marius-Stroe commented
Merged: #4