
Small animation tool

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This is a little tool(~1.6KiB) designed to animate any JS object. The basic concept is one animation for one property of an object. Any numerical property can be tied to a function and change over time. You can also create many separate animations of the same object.



Of course CSS animation better then JS, but I guess this tool will help somebody who tries animate drawing on HTML5 canvas.

How to use

  1. First of all, need to create new Anim object
const anim = new Anim(); 
  1. Create new animation
anim.add('animationName', 3000)

Method add(...) requires two arguments: The first is a string - animation name. It is preferable to use the Camel-case format because you can access to animation object by name as a property of the base object:


The second argument is the total animation time in milliseconds.

Method add(...) returns a special object which provides some methods for extending the animation: for(...), from(...), to(...), tick(...), after(...), timing(...) and run(). All these methods return the same special object, that allows making a calling chain.

anim.add('animationName', 3000).for(someObject, 'propertyNameAsString')

Method for(...) binds animation action to a property of an object.

anim.add('animationName', 3000).from(fromValue).to(toValue)

Methods from(...) and to(...) set start and final values. You may not set a binding to the property of an object using for(...). In this case, the animation will work independently of this and calculate the intermediate values that will be passed to the callback function.

anim.add('animationName', 3000).tick(function(value){ return value })

Method tick(...) has one argument a callback function which will call every time in during animation loop.
Callback function also has one argument the intermediate value. The callback function can return the modified value.

anim.add('animationName', 3000).timing('bounce', 'out')

The first argument of method timing(...) requires a name of one of some timing functions which included in the base object:

  • 'linear' - default linear timing function. Change of values occurs linearly.
  • 'circ' - The change in value occurs smoothly along the arc.
  • 'bounce' - The change in value occurs trajectory of a dropped ball.
  • 'elastic' - The change in value like a damped pendulum. Also, you can use a callback function instead of the name of the timing function. That function must receive the linear value and returns a modified value as you wish.

The second optional argument is a direct application. It must be one of these values:

  • 'in' - default value. It means that the timing function will use in forwarding direction.
  • 'out' - The timing function will use in a backward direction.
  • 'both' - The timing function will use in both directions.
anim.add('animationName', 3000).run();

And the final method of the calling chain is run(). It starting the animation. Calling that method is optional. Created animation can be running by own method of animation object in other time.

  1. Animation loop

The base object has two methods for organizing the global animation loop.


This method may be called in the event loop of your app. Requires one argument a current time in milliseconds.


Create own event loop which tries to run update(t) every 16.6(6) ms.