
CRT switchres not switching to native resolutions

TeddyBeer1983 opened this issue · 5 comments

Does this core work with CRT Switchres? All the games boot in 640x480

Thanks for your question.
I'm not familiar with it. I don't even know if I need to do something on the core or if this is something managed by RA, but I'll take a look.

Thank you very much

AFAIK this is an issue with RA as there is nothing I can do in the core except reporting the right resolution for each console and region, and this is already being done.

Is this core the only one failing to you? Could you share any more details about your setup?

Here's how it's going:

I have a PC connected to a CRT with each console's native resolution except Atari 2600 and Master System...BUT... SMS native resolutions work when I use Genesis Plus GX AND with the top/bottom borders.