
Translate MindMaps

programacion-web opened this issue · 6 comments


First thanks for development, I want to copy the git and to make a translation in Spanish, what would be the best way?

Looking for strings and replace them? Or create a call to a file where the strings to concentrate?

Thank you

Hello there ;)
I am not yet into this project, but in general your second solution would be best for long-term evolution of the project.

Replacing the strings would be good for you, but switching back, or between multiple languages, would be impossible. So a good solution would be to place all text-strings in one language file, so every language can be translated and loaded by switching only one file.

More about the topic of internationalization could be found here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3084675/how-does-internationalization-work-in-javascript

Maybe you should copy the git, make a branch called "i18n" (short for internationalization), and try to implement it. But there seems until now centralized text-controller, or i am not able to find it...

Hi, a separate language file for each language translated is the professional way to go!

Regards, hitam4450

I would be more than happy to translate MindMaps it in French!
Tell me when its ready.

It's already done by framasoft, they used and instance of mindmaps (yeat avalaible here:https://framindmap.org/mindmaps/index.html# ) to propose their open source mindmaping services (https://framindmap.org)

I'd like to know what are the formats accepted on import by mindmaps ?

I could do a translation into German