
app.mindmapmaker.org - new version ?

Opened this issue · 8 comments

Someone made a new version of this mindmap Here at https://app.mindmapmaker.org/
which i would say has few new features and how can i host it ?

J4ker commented

unfortunately the person who is hosting it is violating the AGPL License which clearly states that you have to "Disclose source" code

Someone can contacts him :-)

J4ker commented

sent an email to owner of that website as well as drichard 👍

waiting for the reply

Seems like the developer of that new version doesn't care much for the license:


J4ker commented

So I got a reply from drichard


I feel bad for this guy tbh

As the copyright holder you're entitled to contact his hosting company and get it taken down for copyright violation. DMCA is pretty shitty, but maybe try and use it for good too?


I am the owner of https://app.mindmapmaker.org

I shall upload the code to github soon. Give me some time.

There is an issue though. I minimized the javascript files so that the website would load faster. I haven't worked on this project for many years. Now, I have lost original source files.

Also, Google Drive might not work since next year as Google is changing the signing process.
