
StartMeeting function in the example code is empty

Opened this issue · 7 comments

The startMeeting function in the example code is empty. can you provide its implementation so that we can use it to create a meeting as well?
Thank You!

Please follow this instruction to get "zak" and set it to “zoomAccessToken” of meetingOptions
Then call startMeeting function as you call joinMeeting function

Please ignore the "User Token",this parameter is not required any more

For production, I think you can follow these steps to get "zak":

  1. Get the "JWT token" from your server
  2. Get “zak” by using http request

By the way,“startMeeting” can not create a meeting, If you want to create a meeting, You will have to use an OAuth or JWT type app to create meetings using the API.
I think you can try these steps:

  1. Create a meeting by usging the API ( https://marketplace.zoom.us/docs/api-reference/zoom-api/meetings/meetingcreate )on your server side
  2. Get the "JWT token" and "Meeting ID" from your server on your flutter App
  3. Get “zak” by using a http request on your flutter App
  4. Start the meeting on your flutter App

Thank You for this. Let me check it. So there is no way to create a meeting from within the mobile application without the use of a server?

You can create a meeting without server, just generate "JWT token" and call the api in your flutter App

You can create a meeting without server, just generate "JWT token" and call the api in your flutter App

Alright. Awesome i'll start implementing it