
a react starter with react, redux, vagrant, es6, webpack, babel and hot-module-reloader

Primary LanguageJavaScript

n.b - this is not ready yet - i'm still building it


A project starter for a React stack, with the following features:

  • Vagrant ready
  • ES2015 ready
  • Client-side Hot-Module-Reloading
  • Server-side pm2 reloading

The following libraries/programs are used:

  • babel
  • webpack
  • express
  • redux
  • pm2
  • vagrant



babel is a javascript transpiler - it's what enables you to "extend" the language and write things like in JSX

  • babel-core - the core babel library
  • babel-loader - the plugin that integrates babel into webpack
  • babel-preset-es2015 - allows you to use es2015 language features
  • babel-preset-react - includes a number of react-related plugins, most notably JSX support
  • babel-preset-stage-0 - a plugin to enable the babel-preset-* features above


express is a javascript server - it has a simple API for responding to HTTP requests

  • express - the core server dependency


react is a view library which encourages a functional, stateless approach to components

  • react - the core react library
  • react-dom - library to enable attaching your top level react component into the page
  • react-router - a (client-side) routing library which keeps your UI in sync with the URL


webpack is a build tool - it produces static assets from your modules, which can be loaded in the browser

  • webpack - the core webpack library
  • webpack-dev-server - development tool with a range of features to help speed up local development (e.g. hot reloading and an easy-to-configure proxy)