
[BUG]: updating JSONB column turns it into corrupt JSONB

Opened this issue · 0 comments

voiys commented

What version of drizzle-orm are you using?


What version of drizzle-kit are you using?


Describe the Bug

When using set after update on a JSONB column it adds something to my Postgres db that is some kind of JSONB (it doesn't error out) but I can't query it's properties using JSON operators like ->.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create table
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS corrupt_jsonb_demo (
  1. Insert some data
INSERT INTO corrupt_jsonb_demo (data) VALUES ('{"a": 1}');

2.1. Select this row, SQL Tools for VSCode (displays them differently once they go corrupt, watch the highlighting)

SELECT * FROM corrupt_jsonb_demo;
Screenshot 2024-05-08 at 22 15 42
SELECT data->>'a' FROM corrupt_jsonb_demo;
Screenshot 2024-05-08 at 22 16 14
  1. Use drizzle to update the record using an existing object (this is how it initially happened to me)

Table definition:

export const corrupt_jsonb_demo = pgTable('corrupt_jsonb_demo', {
	id: serial('id').primaryKey(),
	data: jsonb('data').$type<{ [key: string]: any }>().notNull(),


await db
		data: {
		// or
		// data: existingRecord.data,
	.where(eq(schema.corrupt_jsonb_demo.id, existingRecord?.id));

Result when I rerun queries from 2.1
Screenshot 2024-05-08 at 22 19 25
Screenshot 2024-05-08 at 22 19 35

temporary fix

I have tried casting it back in Postgres using ::JSONB, ::JSON and same with CAST but that didn't work because it considered them ok. When I put the shape into an online validator it also said the JSON was valid even when I stringified it.

I have managed to fix my predicament by looping over all the records and updating them using the magic sql operator like so:

await db
		data: sql`${existingRecord.data}`
        // ... rest of condition goes here

Thanks for everything though, drizzle is amazing to use 🚀

Expected behavior

When I use set after update it updates the JSON and remains queriable

Environment & setup

Mac and Linux (Supabase deployment) I guess