
IMathAS grades are not posted on Canvas

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Following up on Dr. Lippman's previous response #137 to a similar issue, I turned on logging with $CFG['LTI']['logupdate'] = true; and got this output in the log file after taking an LTI IMathAS quiz through canvas:


(x'd out some of the authorization token)

This looks reasonable doesn't it?

However no grades register on the Canvas server. It used to work just fine, except for one case where rebooting the imathas server was necessary. We've tried rebooting the machine multiple times since then. The imathas server is running ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS and has been kept updated.

Have other people had similar issues that anyone knows of?

Sorry, I didn't have curl installed. Now the grades are appearing on Canvas!