
Author Last,First displayed without comma

Opened this issue · 1 comments

The name of a question author or ancestor is displayed as Last,First without any space after the comma, as is the list of question ancestors. This appears in the question editor and question preview. I could not find any discussion about this, so here it is. I think it would be best to follow convention and put a space afterward.


MyOpenMath Commas

Places in the code I found this happen:

Calls that produce a list without spaces after the commas:

  • Sanitize::encodeStringForDisplay($line['author']))
  • Sanitize::encodeStringForDisplay($line['ancestors'])
  • Sanitize::encodeStringForDisplay($line['ancestorauthors'])

The author name is stored that way in moddataset, line 554. Those other places are just displaying the stored value.

I agree it would be better with a space, but it would cause some challenges with matching previous author names to prevent duplicates when edits are made. But I might be able to work around that.