Nodered server stops
goofy2k opened this issue · 9 comments
I have tested the node under nodered V 1.1.0, running under Docker. When I edit the average delay time, my nodered server stops and I have to restarts the docker container.
I decided to remove the node from my palette. At first I removed the node in my test flow. When I then want to remove the node from my flow the server replies that it can not be removed, because it is still active.
I like the functionality !
You may have found two distinct issues. One is the crash of Node-RED, and the other is the inability to delete the node from the palette.
I have reproduced the second issue and started looking into it. It might be helpful to know whether you have run into it with earlier versions of NR or other contributed nodes.
I have seen only one fatal error from the node and have not been able to reproduce it. It would help greatly if you could list a series of steps that reliably produces the error and send me any error messages you get. (I don't use Docker, so I can't tell you where to look for the error log.) Also please explain why you need to restart the container.
Thanks for bringing this to my attention.
Thanks for the new information. I also get the correct behavior now in the Manage Palette dialog. It's a puzzle, but unless it misbehaves again there isn't anything I can do.
I managed to get another NR shutdown, with the same error message as the first time. I can see where the error occurs, but I don't know why it happens and cannot trigger it reliably. I have a few ideas and will let you know if make any progress.
I have pushed a new version (0.0.4) to GitHub that MIGHT solve this issue. I am not certain, because I can't produce the error reliably and so am working from a guess about the cause. Please let me know if the new version seems to help.
I started with v 0.0.3 and I had this issue also with v 0.0.4, I submitted a pull request that could solve it
Thanks very much for the PR. I will merge it into the the master shortly. It was clearly a JavaScript beginner's mistake and a particularly embarrassing one -- I always complain that JS does not give enough control over the scope of variables, and here I tripped over one of the few cases where it does.
Fixed in version 0.1.0