git: command not found
shadowhand opened this issue · 5 comments
Github.tmbundle should use the TextMate TM_GIT variable to determine the path to git rather than assuming git
is within $PATH
I'm getting this error and TM_GIT is set and git is in one of the $PATH directories and the git bundle works.
If you look at the source of Github.tmbundle, you will see that the TM_GIT
variable is never used. As for $PATH, I assume that TextMate can only read the global paths, not the ones defined in your shell, so even if you see git in Terminal, it doesn't mean that TextMate knows where it is.
I modified gist.rb in the Support/lib directory to use TM_GIT, as in this gist snippet: Appears to have done the trick for me.
ats, that fix does not seem to solve this problem for me (I reloaded bundles and got the same error). Maybe I did something wrong.
alan, did you add TM_GIT with the path to your git binary (mine is /usr/local/bin/git) to preferences -> advanced -> shell variables? I don't know what the exact problem is, but I just couldn't get TextMate to find git via my path, so I added the in-TM shell variable to the command line.