

Closed this issue · 10 comments

0xman commented

How do i make it only log the username/passwords? And not the timestamps or ips?

edit log_entry() and handle_ssh_auth() to taste, then recompile.

0xman commented

LOL are you messing with me ?


0xman commented

lol editing log_entry() and handle_ssh_auth() to taste does nothing

perhaps we aren't understanding each other. if you want to alter the way the program logs data, that's what you'd need to edit.

0xman commented

Yes i wanted to alter the way the program logs data just to log username and password

then you would need to edit those two functions to however you want it to log. you can do it. i believe in you.

Yes i wanted to alter the way the program logs data just to log username and password

I mean, if you don't want to mess with the code, you can also use a quick awk to select only the username and password and output to another file.

0xman commented

Yes i wanted to alter the way the program logs data just to log username and password

I mean, if you don't want to mess with the code, you can also use a quick awk to select only the username and password and output to another file.

could you send me to command line to use awk to output username & password into another file?

0xman commented

Never mind i used my brain and found out how to use awk lol