
URL handling

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I have tried to use your repo to build an Apify actor (and then later customize it further), the build runs fine from this repo also, but by execution I get:

2023-07-31T19:33:33.242Z ACTOR: Pulling Docker image from repository.
2023-07-31T19:33:39.998Z ACTOR: Creating Docker container.
2023-07-31T19:33:40.161Z ACTOR: Starting Docker container.
2023-07-31T19:33:43.180Z Starting X virtual framebuffer using: Xvfb :99 -ac -screen 0 1920x1080x24+32 -nolisten tcp
2023-07-31T19:33:43.184Z Executing main command
2023-07-31T19:33:45.146Z INFO  System info {"apifyVersion":"3.1.3","apifyClientVersion":"2.6.4","crawleeVersion":"3.3.0","osType":"Linux","nodeVersion":"v16.20.1"}
2023-07-31T19:33:45.903Z /home/myuser/node_modules/ow/dist/index.js:33
2023-07-31T19:33:45.906Z         (0, test_1.default)(value, () => (0, infer_label_1.inferLabel)(stackFrames), labelOrPredicate);
2023-07-31T19:33:45.908Z                            ^
2023-07-31T19:33:45.913Z ArgumentError: (array `requests`) Any predicate failed with the following errors:
2023-07-31T19:33:45.916Z   - Expected values to be of type `string` but received type `Object`
2023-07-31T19:33:45.918Z   - Expected property `url` to be of type `string` but received type `undefined` in object values
2023-07-31T19:33:45.920Z     at ow (/home/myuser/node_modules/ow/dist/index.js:33:28)
2023-07-31T19:33:45.923Z     at PlaywrightCrawler.addRequests (/home/myuser/node_modules/@crawlee/basic/internals/basic-crawler.js:493:26)
2023-07-31T19:33:45.925Z     at PlaywrightCrawler.run (/home/myuser/node_modules/@crawlee/basic/internals/basic-crawler.js:420:24)
2023-07-31T19:33:45.928Z     at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)
2023-07-31T19:33:45.930Z     at async file:///home/myuser/dist/main.js:189:1 {
2023-07-31T19:33:45.932Z   validationErrors: Map(1) {
2023-07-31T19:33:45.934Z     'requests' => Set(1) {
2023-07-31T19:33:45.937Z       '(array `requests`) Any predicate failed with the following errors:\n' +
2023-07-31T19:33:45.940Z         '  - Expected values to be of type `string` but received type `Object`\n' +
2023-07-31T19:33:45.942Z         '  - Expected property `url` to be of type `string` but received type `undefined` in object values'
2023-07-31T19:33:45.945Z     }
2023-07-31T19:33:45.948Z   }
2023-07-31T19:33:45.950Z }

I fully reckon, that this might not be the repo to use, but the link provided in the README points to 404.

Can you please - if it is possible - point me to the current repo. That surely has a fix for this issue.

Sorry for pestering, if this was not intended usage!