
Missing data in query

Closed this issue · 8 comments

My Android app LavSeeker (https://f-droid.org/packages/org.woheller69.lavatories/) uses Overpass-API to find toilets (amanity=toilets) around a location.

I noticed, that not all toilets which are in OpenStreetMap and which are also found in OSMAND are listed.


does not list e.g.



They are tagged as amenity toilets. Any ideas?

I would really recommend to check our the Help and Support section in the OSM Community Forum: https://community.openstreetmap.org/c/help-and-support/7/none - That's a great place for such howto questions.

Also I can only recommend to try your queries in https://overpass-turbo.eu first, before integrating them in your own application.

ok, so it is a bug on the map.
Then I will not waste time on it

No, it's not a bug on the map, your query is simply not requesting the right information. Please follow up on the OSM community forum as mentioned, otherwise your app users will consistently see incomplete data.

will not support toilets in ways.
The tags should be added to the node

This is getting quickly off topic for this repo. https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/tags/amenity=toilets#overview would tell you that over 100.000 restrooms are tagged as ways...

According to https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:amenity%3Dtoilets

toilets should be tagged as nodes: "Place a node centrally at the location of the toilet amenities and tag it amenity=toilets."

Your quote is immediately followed by "Alternatively draw an area over the toilet area and tag it with amenity=toilets,"

End of discussion for me.

Thanks. My app will find toilets also in ways in future