
Residual bug in Way_Updater

Opened this issue · 3 comments

The public database currently shows for example on the query [date:"2023-10-25T00:00:00Z"];way(404135463); the error

Way 404135463 cannot be expanded at timestamp 2023-10-25T18:12:34Z.

After some investigation it is clear that there is indeed a broken way entry in the database, but also it looks like currently no other way is affected. There is a delta compressed way version of this way for which the reference sits on a different index.
The most likely cause is a rather arcane bug in way_updater that cause the bad data to be written. The precise bug is yet unknown.

Many but not all other instances I'm aware of are also impacted:

Host Version Status
//overpass.osmcha.org/api/ 74a55df broken
//maps.mail.ru/osm/tools/overpass/api/ 74a55df broken
//overpass.m....dev/api/ b1080ab broken
//overpass.kumi.systems/api/ e2dc3e5 ok
dev drolbr e2dc3e5 broken
dev mmd (mmd) 16d06a6e ok

It looks like this affects only one version of one way. The following patch program has been applied to the public databases to fix the defect version:

#include "overpass_api/core/datatypes.h"
#include "overpass_api/core/settings.h"
#include "template_db/block_backend_write.h"
#include "template_db/dispatcher_client.h"
#include "template_db/transaction.h"

int main(int argc, char* args[])
  Attic< Way_Delta > way(
      Way_Delta(Way_Skeleton(), Way_Skeleton(404135463,
          { 1571656126ull, 4520945912ull, 1571656431ull, 1571656414ull, 1571656506ull, 1571656037ull,
            1571656516ull, 1571656432ull, 1571656248ull, 4520945911ull, 1571656108ull, 1571656126ull
          }, {})),
      Timestamp(2023, 10, 25, 18, 12, 34).timestamp);
  std::cout<<Timestamp(way.timestamp).str()<<' '<<way.full;
  for (auto i : way.nds_added)
  std::map< Uint31_Index, std::set< Attic< Way_Delta > > > to_insert;
  to_insert.insert({ Uint31_Index(0xe192676d), { way } });
  Dispatcher_Client dispatcher_client(osm_base_settings().shared_name);

    Nonsynced_Transaction transaction(true, false, dispatcher_client.get_db_dir(), "");
    Block_Backend< Uint31_Index, Attic< Way_Delta > >
    into_db.update(to_insert, to_insert);

  return 0;

It con be compiled with g++ -o patch_way -DHAVE_LZ4 -I./ ~/patch_way.cc overpass_api/core/settings.cc template_db/dispatcher_client.cc template_db/types.cc template_db/zlib_wrapper.cc template_db/lz4_wrapper.cc -lz -llz4 -lrt. Then execute it once while not update process is active.

I believe migrate_start and migrate_commit were added fairly recently only, maybe in 0.7.60. Is there an easy way to also apply the update on older releases?