
Relation with only Relation is not returned

Wunder0 opened this issue · 6 comments


When accessing roads with 'relation["route"="road"]' usually all relations with "route" = "road" are returned.
But it seams that relation that only consist out of relations, e.g. https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/62964 are not returned, even when this relation also has the tag "route" = "road".

When accessing the relation element by id, everything is working fine:

I get all relation of the relation element 62964.


Can you please send an exact request that failed? The obvious one contains the relation in the result as expected.

when I used this command (zoomed in a lot to reduce the bounding box, while street is still visble) I dont get any results:
[out:json]; nwr["route"="road"](48.749553114953414,8.581365638135525,48.74981299228642,8.581563007136117); out;

Also when using the {{bbox}} command, directly on overpass-turbo.eu (at coordinates: 48.73610429, 8.57770643)
The street B294 is not found:

That’s expected behavior for relations containing relations only. Since they don’t have a geometry, the bbox won’t work in that case. There are some posts on help.osm.org explaining alternative options for these superroutes/super relations. Maybe you can check there.

Hello @mmd-osm,
thanks for looking into it and your feedback!
I appreciate it.

Closed as the reason has been explained.