
Stream API?

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I've two questions:

  • Does this library support streaming API? Example: need to calculate deltas for large files (4GB+). From the examples I found all the delta, and signatures are memory vectors
  • Is this library compatible with the original librsync in C++?

In general would be great having more usage examples in this repo. Thanks!

Sorry, I completely missed this issue!

Does this library support streaming API? Example: need to calculate deltas for large files (4GB+). From the examples I found all the delta, and signatures are memory vectors

It doesn't. This was a choice to make the library simpler, as in our use case we only ever need to operate on buffers that are already in-memory.

Is this library compatible with the original librsync in C++?

It isn't. librsync has a much more powerful and complex API that this library wouldn't be able to emulate.