
Impossible to specify module/class to `python_client`

diwakergupta opened this issue · 2 comments

I'm having trouble running stone python_client: it seems to require --module-name and --class-name, but it seems impossible to actually specify them:

$ stone python_client python dropbox-api-spec/*.stone
usage: python-client-generator [-h] -m MODULE_NAME -c CLASS_NAME
python-client-generator: error: the following arguments are required: -m/--module-name, -c/--class-name

$ stone --module-name dbx --class-name Api python_client python dropbox-api-spec/*.stone
usage: stone [-h] [-v] [--clean-build] [-f FILTER_BY_ROUTE_ATTR]
             [-a ATTRIBUTE]
             generator output [spec [spec ...]]
stone: error: unrecognized arguments: --module-name --class-name

# I tried all possible places for specifying the arguments: after all positional args, after python_client etc
# Always fails regardless

Stone arguments are separated from generator-specific arguments by a --. A valid call would look like:

$ stone python_client python dropbox-api-spec/*.stone -- -m base -c Api

I'll leave the task open until I improve the documentation.

Fixed in b60ab9d. Thanks!