
Invalid dates in dropwizard/metrics commits

cunningt opened this issue · 1 comments

There's a number of commits in dropwizard/metrics that have a bad date in the author / commit line :

❯ git clone git@github.com:dropwizard/metrics.git
Cloning into 'metrics'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 69038, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (918/918), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (499/499), done.
remote: Total 69038 (delta 541), reused 714 (delta 398), pack-reused 68120
Receiving objects: 100% (69038/69038), 19.76 MiB | 39.21 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (30473/30473), done.
❯ cd metrics
❯ git fsck
Checking object directories: 100% (256/256), done.
error in commit fb0c0fc3d8284f1e5c5173fdd664a263dfbf3592: badDate: invalid author/committer line - bad date
error in commit be018a63db4f5702d8c1af36d9bee4df4d8a5f0a: badDate: invalid author/committer line - bad date
error in commit b8f9356dad3fb39bd8bb90967197c9b611c45a77: badDate: invalid author/committer line - bad date
error in commit d31be0ecafec5adf5c34bc98f92ecc5d56e61cf3: badDate: invalid author/committer line - bad date
error in commit 68ff5359bd2e093a979c288e98e0e6ab40b3623d: badDate: invalid author/committer line - bad date
error in commit 81b17d2cda2ec06c3c675c5df6807cd142df3aa2: badDate: invalid author/committer line - bad date
error in commit 055b302d9a90acb9a771738373cb6485e3d9c92b: badDate: invalid author/committer line - bad date
error in commit 328abcea9b63c6cc1e99f7a63fb0a24c355e551e: badDate: invalid author/committer line - bad date
error in commit ca7114e92efc44a1781c16d151f7ebec3c2eb849: badDate: invalid author/committer line - bad date
error in commit 1e8af33c6ec44db596d920f706fdcee4c365dd5b: badDate: invalid author/committer line - bad date
error in commit 1d598ed76d2175603f814ea07c2623c4173cc912: badDate: invalid author/committer line - bad date
error in commit 6b910c084d156ae6c4907a23348547391b2286af: badDate: invalid author/committer line - bad date
error in commit 0719f8f927f95931122bc4a4f98496cb97ef2188: badDate: invalid author/committer line - bad date
error in commit e0415e5818449d427a738d9e6f1a73aa3fed74fc: badDate: invalid author/committer line - bad date
error in commit dc1630be1d2e8931262f3c60c78a52a8c16aaefa: badDate: invalid author/committer line - bad date
error in commit 4872a751059f5263da8f1892adb10eb71bb6b596: badDate: invalid author/committer line - bad date
error in commit 8d15f2876a008a06dedf5c54d50545dbea464e40: badDate: invalid author/committer line - bad date
error in commit 2e2c1fe08d0c22d73013455204898834ccaec640: badDate: invalid author/committer line - bad date
Checking objects: 100% (69038/69038), done.

Can these be fixed? They cause issues with other git related tools (gitlab, etc)

Can these be fixed? They cause issues with other git related tools (gitlab, etc)

No, see also:

Unfortunately it's impossible to fix the corrupted commits without rewriting the history of the complete repository and thus invalidating any tag or verification which happened after these corrupt commits.