
list of supported exchanges & coins

algazarra opened this issue · 4 comments

the site needs to show a list of the supported exchanges & coins. also useful regarding SEO

Yup, planned since your request. It is also going to be use as a way to showcase libdynticker.

And the list/grid of exchanges would be inside which section?

correct me if i'm wrong. The updated website will be something like:

  1. Top bar (with navigation links + social icons & links to the right, bar alpha down when scrolling down)
  2. Video intro + mail list box (mail box alpha down when playing video)
  3. Features slideshow (mockup)
  4. Collapsed (by default) list of supported exchange & coins list (searchable/filterable & linking to exchange[w/ our referral]/coin website/ANN page)
  5. Download & Fork
  6. Donate
  7. Similar apps (video comparison will eventually come here too)

Agree. Although the links to exchange/coin will only be added when doing the same in Boilr.