Toolkit for simplifying the development of REST API's in Phoenix and Ecto.
defmodule MyAppWeb.QueryBuilders.UserBuilder do
use Apitizer.QueryBuilder, schema: MyApp.Accounts.User
import Ecto.Query
attribute :id, sortable: true
attribute :display_name
attribute :email
attribute :role
attribute :timezone
association :posts, MyApp.QueryBuilders.PostBuilder
defmodule MyAppWeb.UserController do
use MyAppWeb, :controller
alias LinkerWeb.QueryBuilders.UserBuilder
def index(conn, _params, _user) do
json(conn, UserBuilder.paginate(conn))
def show(conn, %{"id" => id}, _user) do
json(conn,!(conn, id))
- Add more operators to the filter parser, keep some in reserve (such as "search" and other common, custom logic). ["search", "contains", "like", "ilike"]
- Add ability for custom preload
- Add ability for custom sorting
- It should be possible to overwrite an operator.
- Generate documentation from a query builder.
- Expose through an endpoint in both HTML/JSON format?
- Generate all at compile-time to basically just serve static html?
- Write documentation
- Allow the querybuilder to be used to just build the query, not execute it on the repo & generating a response.
- Add hooks for permission checks:
- Can user apply filter?
- Can user perform this sort?
- Can user see certain attributes?
- Add hooks throughout the building process
- before/after adding filters
- before/after adding preload
- before/after adding select
- before/after adding sort
- Add support for pagination. Custom paginators? Behaviour? Protocol?
- Maybe implement some defaults for popular pagination libraries? Scivener?
- Add maxdepth for includes.
- Allow Repo to be configured once (bit of a pain to do it for every module.) Three levels of repo definition, in order of priority: argument > module > config
- Allow select_key, sort_key and filter_key to be defined in the config.
- Filters on preload
- Add {asc,desc}nulls{first,last} to the parser & builder. Also update the typedocs in QueryBuilder & Parser.
- Respect the
field on an attribute. - Raise compile warning (not error) when transform function is defined for undefined attribute/assoc.