
Publish 2.0.0 to NPM

doughsay opened this issue · 5 comments

The 16 basic ansi colors can be open to interpretation, many themes exist out there defining what the colors look like, so having the use_classes option is great for that.

But the 256 color palette and true-color aren't really open for interpretation, they are exact color specifications. I was wondering if we could add an option to allow for using classes for the basic 16 colors, but when rendering 256 or true-color, use inline styles.

Right now, if you use_classes and render 256 color, it renders a class, which could theoretically be used to build a stylesheet for all 256 colors (but that would be tedious). But for true-color, it only adds a data- attribute, which would mean I'd need to add an extra js library of some sort to actually apply the color. Seems like ansi_up could do that for me instead, right?

So I just noticed that the latest version (2.0.0) actually already does this! But it's not published to NPM... :( So I'm changing my issue to be a request to publish the latest version to NPM. Thanks!

Hi doughsay - I will get this pushed next week. Thank you.

Ok - npm pushed

@drudru thanks! have you had a chance to take a look at #41 yet? I still can't use 2.0.0 directly, I'm still using my fork because of that one issue...