kalatheme_form_element_label problem with og permission group admninister
pierrelucueisd opened this issue · 1 comments
i desactivate kalatheme_form_element_label in includes/fapi.inc and
i am now able of desactivating permission in group/%/%/admin/permissions.
Beafore that, i was unable of removing permission but was able of
activating a new for a role.
more specificly, when i keep kalatheme_form_element_label activated in code but when i desacivated the following sub code:
if ($is_radio_or_checkbox && $element['#title_display'] != 'permissions' && isset($element['#children'])) { $output .= $element['#children']; }
it was working ok but i did not test all the other functionnality. So i prefered to desactivate this function and use te one providen by core theme for avoiding error.
I do not undertand the correct way of hannling $element['#children'] so ist the best way for me to correct the problem for me but it should be usefull for other to correct this bug with og.
i found a better way:
if ($is_radio_or_checkbox && $element['#title_display'] != 'permissions' && $element['#title_display'] != 'invisible' && isset($element['#children'])) { $output .= $element['#children']; }