Backup cronjob fail due to tar file reporting file changes during backup
bernardmaltais opened this issue · 0 comments
I ran into a similar issue as what @Stemirabo reported during restore and fixed via a patch.
I have fixed my issue with a patch for the cronjob script... but ultimately, I think the whole script should be made customizable via the values files. This will require quite a bit of work and would be a breaking change... so, I did not bother creating a pull request for it.
I think discussing long term possibilities for making script more customizable is required to better plan how it should be implemented.
Here is a copy of the patch I created to fix the problem:
- name: drush
- /bin/sh
- '-c'
- |
# Errors should fail the job
set -e
set +x
# Wait for DB to be available
until drush sql:query 'SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE "Uptime";'; do echo Waiting for DB; sleep 3; done;
echo DB available;
# Check Drush status
drush status
# Run cron
BACKUPNAME=$(date +%Y%m%d.%H%M%S)
mkdir -p /backup/$BACKUPNAME
echo "Backup folder name: $BACKUPNAME"
echo "Backup DB"
drush -y sql-dump --skip-tables-list=cache,cache_* | gzip > /backup/$BACKUPNAME/db.sql.gz
echo "...backup DB completed."
echo "Backup public files"
set +e
tar --exclude="./js" --exclude="./css" --exclude="./styles" -czf /backup/$BACKUPNAME/files.tar.gz --directory=sites/default/files .
echo "...backup public files completed."
if [ "$exitcode" != "1" ] && [ "$exitcode" != "0" ];
exit $exitcode
set -e
echo "Backup private files"
tar --exclude="./config" -czf /backup/$BACKUPNAME/private.tar.gz --directory=/private .
echo "...backup private files completed."
I guess we could run into the same issue with the private files backup... so, I might have to add the fix there to also...
I also added a bunch of echo to better see when things are completed and changed how I detect when the DB is ready. Therefore full script customization would be good as each teams using the chart might need slightly different backup and restore scripts.