
Sanity Check: Are these key exchange values correct?

teward opened this issue · 2 comments

teward commented

Using 3.2rc2 from github here

I ran a test today against a site, and something irked me about the output per-cipher. It wasn't until I looked harder I noticed what was irking me: these numbers don't look right.

TLS 1.2
 xc030   ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384       ECDH 256   AESGCM      256      TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384              
 xcca8   ECDHE-RSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305       ECDH 253   ChaCha20    256      TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256        
 xc02f   ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256       ECDH 256   AESGCM      128      TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256              
TLS 1.3
 x1302   TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384            ECDH 253   AESGCM      256      TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384                             
 x1303   TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256      ECDH 253   ChaCha20    256      TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256                       
 x1301   TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256            ECDH 253   AESGCM      128      TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 

Many of these say ECDH 253 and not ECDH 256 as I would expect from things like an AES_256 cipher or similar. Do these ciphers really only have a ECDH 253 key exchange value, or is this a typo and intended to be ECDH 256, especially for TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA* ciphers in TLS 1.3 and anything which uses an ECDHE-RSA-AES256-* value?

Hi @teward,

The cipher suite (e.g., TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256 or TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) does not indicate what elliptic curve is used to perform the key exchange. So, using either of these cipher suites, key exchange could be performed using elliptic curves of varying strengths: X25519 (253), prime256v1 (256), brainpoolP512r1 (512), etc.

In the case of the server you tested, when TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256 or TLS 1.3 was negotiated with the server, key exchange was performed using X25519, which OpenSSL lists as providing 253 bits of security strength.

teward commented

Ah, check, so that explains that. I need to specify the prime256v1 curve I think on the webserver for that.

Thanks for clearing that up @dcooper16 👍