
Composite primary keys are unsupported

Closed this issue · 1 comments

annotaterb version: 4.10.1

I have tables with composite primary keys :

                                                Table "public.cheeses"
         Column         |              Type              | Collation | Nullable |               Default
 id                     | bigint                         |           | not null | nextval('cheeses_id_seq'::regclass)
 team_id                | bigint                         |           | not null |
    "cheeses_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (team_id, id)

Annotations look like :

# == Schema Information
# Table name: cheeses
#  id                     :bigint           not null, primary key
#  team_id                :bigint           not null

If the primary key is composite, all the columns making up the primary key should be indicated. And perhaps, the primary key should be indicated in the indexes section, like this :

# == Schema Information
# Table name: cheeses
#  id                     :bigint           not null, primary key
#  team_id                :bigint           not null, primary key
# Indexes
#  cheeses_pkey           (team_id, id)     primary key

It looks like the first part of this should already work looking at AnnotationBuilder#is_column_primary_key.

I'll look at the issue and create a pull request once this annoys me sufficiently.

Spotted the problem, it was with me.