
Motivation and goals?

ariebovenberg opened this issue ยท 1 comments

๐Ÿ‘‹ Hi there again!

@sobolevn what are your thoughts with this library? What are the (non)goals and motivation?

So far I can see 'framework-less'. I'm also assuming it'd be according to FP principles (immutability, composability, purity)? Something like Scala's http4s? Is there something specific about REST vs generic HTTP APIs that you want to focus on? What do you see in current web frameworks that you don't like?

I could imagine the library would be centered around composing Request -> Response pipelines. This requires composable, functional blocks for:

  • routing
  • parsing/validation
  • encoding/decoding (e.g. JSON)
  • testing
  • 'middleware'
  • plugging into existing frameworks (so you can start using rests in your current flask/django/(a)wsgi/etc project immediately)
  • dealing with DBs in a pure way


I don't have a well-defined concept for now. But, I am going to return to this projects once I finish validation package ๐Ÿ™‚