vscode debugging
butcheryl opened this issue · 6 comments
Hi, David
I use vscode-react-native debugging
How to add breakpoint in vscode?
vscode tip me map not found
Hi! Thanks for the report! :)
I tried it and found a similar error, so it's not just you at least. The normal react-native debugging works (I tried with the chrome devtools or the react-native debugger app on macOS), so i can only assume it's down to a difference with how the vscode debugger hooks itself up to the packager.
Unfortunately I don't have time to look deeper into this for you. Please report back if you find a solution!
Hello there,
i have sadly the same problem.
If you find any solution, please let me know.
Thanks and Kind Regards,
Just like with any other IDE, you simply click in the margin to set the breakpoint. You can also highlight the line and press the F9 key.
Debugging is working for me but sometimes I'm unable to set breakpoint to a specific line and it might jump elsewhere. Do you know what is causing that?
@jsslai I'm having the same issue, I think it has something to do with the source maps not being generated correctly. Were you able to solve your problem?
@animaonline No. I usually add extra console.log rows until VS code is able to add the breakpoint. :D