
Breakpoints jump to a different line

jochem725 opened this issue · 1 comments

I’ve set up react-native-typescript-transformer using the guide described on the website of React Native both using an existing react-native project with version 0.55.1 and a clean project with version 0.56.0.

In both versions, if I use this in combination with VSCode and Chrome setting a breakpoint on a line makes it jump to a different line. Could this be an issue with the generated source maps?

I’ve created a sample project [here] based on the typescript article on the RN blog (https://github.com/jochem725/ts-breakpoints). The steps to reproduce (on iOS) are

  • Launch App using XCode
  • Enable remote debugging
  • Attach debugger in VSCode
  • Set breakpoint (i.e. on Hello.tsx line 67)

If you do this, you will see the breakpoint jump to a different line.