Error on BigFloat inequalities
danspielman opened this issue · 4 comments
When I use JuMP to create two variables and try to place a constraint on them, I get an error.
Here is an minimal example and a prefix of the error message:
julia> lp = Model(Tulip.Optimizer{BigFloat})
A JuMP Model
Feasibility problem with:
Variables: 0
Model mode: AUTOMATIC
CachingOptimizer state: EMPTY_OPTIMIZER
Solver name: Tulip
julia> @variable(lp, x)
julia> @variable(lp, y)
julia> @constraint(lp, x - y >= 0)
ERROR: `MOI.ScalarAffineFunction{Float64}`-in-`MOI.GreaterThan{Float64}` constraints are not supported and cannot be bridged into supported constrained variables and constraints. See details below:
[1] constrained variables in `MOI.Nonnegatives` are not supported because no added bridge supports bridging it.
Cannot add free variables and then constrain them because:
(5) `MOI.VectorOfVariables`-in-`MOI.Nonnegatives` constraints are not supported
[2] constrained variables in `MOI.Nonpositives` are not supported because:
Cannot use `MOIB.Variable.NonposToNonnegBridge{Float64}` because:
[1] constrained variables in `MOI.Nonnegatives` are not supported
Cannot add free variables and then constrain them because:
(9) `MOI.VectorOfVariables`-in-`MOI.Nonpositives` constraints are not supported
[3] constrained variables in `MOI.LessThan{Float64}` are not supported because:
Cannot use `MOIB.Variable.VectorizeBridge{Float64,MOI.Nonpositives}` because:
[2] constrained variables in `MOI.Nonpositives` are not supported
Cannot add free variables and then constrain them because:
(10) `MOI.SingleVariable`-in-`MOI.LessThan{Float64}` constraints are not supported
[4] constrained variables in `MOI.GreaterThan{Float64}` are not supported because:
Cannot use `MOIB.Variable.VectorizeBridge{Float64,MOI.Nonnegatives}` because:
I am using Julia 1.5.2 on a Mac running OS version 10.15.6, JuMP version v0.21.4, Tulip version v0.6.2.
Tips on how to make this work would be very appreciated!
First of all: thanks for using Tulip (or at least trying) :)
The occurs because JuMP (always) builds problems in Float64
arithmetic, while a Tulip.Optimizer{BigFloat}
requires BigFloat
Unless you're OK with running Tulip in Float64
rather than BigFloat
, there is no straightforward way around this.
Here are a few hacks to make it work nonetheless:
- Use Convex.jl instead of JuMP. I know it can handle arithmetics other than
, but I've never used it myself. - Use MathOptInterface directly. Remember to formulate everything in
. - Build your problem with JuMP, export the problem to an MPS file, then import that MPS to a
Code-wise, it would look like this:
# Build your model here
lp = JuMP.Model()
@variable(lpl, x)
@variable(lp, y)
@constraints(lp, x - y >= 0)
# Export the model to an MPS file
JuMP.write_to_file(lp, "lp.mps")
# Import into Tulip, with BigFloat precision
lp_ex = Tulip.Model{BigFloat}()
Tulip.load_problem!(lp_ex, "lp.mps")
The call to Tulip.load_problem!
will read the MPS file in Float64
arithmetic, and convert everything to BigFloat
before passing the problem to Tulip.
Using Convex worked with Double64!
The trick is to add the keyword argument numeric_type = Double64
to the problem, like this
problem = maximize(obj, cons, numeric_type = Double64)
I am very excited to now have useable high-precision linear programming.
Let me know if you'd like me to add this to the docs and create a pull request.
I am very excited to now have useable high-precision linear programming.
I have some plans to improve the performance of high-precision solving, but it's not very high on my priority list right now.
Don't hesitate to open another issue (or reach out to me directly) if you use that feature extensively.
Let me know if you'd like me to add this to the docs and create a pull request.
The docs are due for a section on higher-precision arithmetic. I'll ping you when I add it.
Running the first example of the tutorial with other types also yields conversion errors. I'm posting the example here since the issue is related, I can move it to a separate one if required:
using Tulip
import MathOptInterface
const MOI = MathOptInterface
const T = Float32
lp = Tulip.Optimizer{T}()
# Create variables
x = MOI.add_variable(lp)
y = MOI.add_variable(lp)
# Set variable bounds
MOI.add_constraint(lp, MOI.SingleVariable(x), MOI.GreaterThan(T(0))) # x >= 0
MOI.add_constraint(lp, MOI.SingleVariable(y), MOI.GreaterThan(T(0))) # y >= 0
# Add constraints
row1 = MOI.add_constraint(lp,
MOI.ScalarAffineFunction(MOI.ScalarAffineTerm.(T[1.0, -1.0], [x, y]), T(0)),
row2 = MOI.add_constraint(lp,
MOI.ScalarAffineFunction(MOI.ScalarAffineTerm.(T[2.0, -1.0], [x, y]), T(0)),
row3 = MOI.add_constraint(lp,
MOI.ScalarAffineFunction(MOI.ScalarAffineTerm.(T[1.0, 2.0], [x, y]), T(0)),
# Set the objective
MOI.ScalarAffineFunction(MOI.ScalarAffineTerm.(T[-2.0, -1.0], [x, y]), T(0))
MOI.set(lp, MOI.ObjectiveSense(), MOI.MIN_SENSE)
Results in the following error:
julia> MOI.optimize!(lp)
ERROR: MethodError: Cannot `convert` an object of type
LDLFactorizations.LDLFactorization{Float64,Int64,Int64,Int64} to an object of type
LDLFactorizations.LDLFactorization{Float32,Ti,Tn,Tp} where Tp<:Integer where Tn<:Integer where Ti<:Integer
Closest candidates are:
convert(::Type{T}, ::T) where T at essentials.jl:171
[1] Tulip.KKT.LDLFactSQD(::SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC{Float32,Int64}) at /home/mbesancon/.julia/packages/Tulip/3EWmj/src/KKT/ldlfact.jl:52
[2] setup(::Type{Tulip.KKT.LDLFactSQD}, ::SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC{Float32,Int64}) at /home/mbesancon/.julia/packages/Tulip/3EWmj/src/KKT/ldlfact.jl:57
[3] Tulip.HSD(::Tulip.IPMData{Float32,Array{Float32,1},BitArray{1},SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC{Float32,Int64}}, ::Tulip.KKT.KKTOptions{Float32}) at /home/mbesancon/.julia/packages/Tulip/3EWmj/src/IPM/HSD/HSD.jl:54
Following the stacktrace, the issue seems to occur in the constructor of LDLFactSQD{T<:Real} <: AbstractKKTSolver{T}
S = [
spdiagm(0 => -θ) A';
spzeros(T, m, n) spdiagm(0 => ones(m))
F = LDLF.ldl_analyze(Symmetric(S))
I believe S is converted to Float64 here because of the spdiagm(0 => ones(m))
which is a Float64 diagonal