
Players lossing items due to NBT tag BlockEntityTag failed checks

angushushu opened this issue · 1 comments

Our config: https://pastebin.com/TqrRBt7k
Players' items disappear with notification although the no-block-entity-tag is false and lenient mode was used.

Packet of type PacketPlayOutWindowsItems to player <playername> was dropped because NBT tag BlockEntityTag failed checks

The missing items are just some regular items. Some of them are renamed. I've attached a .dat file, which contains two shulkerbox of regular items that will be removed by Panilla.

ds58 commented

Hey, sorry I didn't get to this until now, and thanks for the reminder. This should be fixed in 1.10.2. I have made a release on SpigotMC so you can download it now.

Also, thanks for the .dat file. That makes things very easy for me!