
Organ Short Octave in mididings

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Dear Sirs,
Before I try to program it myself, I ask if someone has not done it already.

Old organs have so called short octave:

In the deepest octave:
if you press E it plays C, Similarly:
F# - > D
G# -> E
the rest keys and notes remains the same
notes C#, D#, F#, G# are simply missing.
I need a mididings script to practice on this crazy keyboard before I go to real organ with a short octave.
Up to now I have this:

[ ~KeyFilter(notes=['c1', 'c#1', 'd1', 'd#1','e1', 'f#1', 'g#1']), KeyFilter(notes=['e1', 'f#1', 'g#1']) >> Transpose(-4)] >>
May be you have something smarter.


I inserted it in a scene:
76: Scene("organ with short octave; Ocarina 4 plus Oboe 8",
[ ~KeyFilter(notes=['c1', 'c#1', 'd1', 'd#1', 'f#1', 'g#1','e1']), KeyFilter(notes=['e1', 'f#1', 'g#1']) >> Transpose(-4) ] >> Transpose(0) >> [Channel(2)>> Transpose(12) ,Channel(3)],
[ Ctrl(1, 2, 91, 125), # big reverb
Ctrl(1, 2, 1, 0) >> Ctrl(1, 2, 32, 0) >> Program(1, 2, 80), # Ocarine
Ctrl(1, 3, 1, 0) >> Ctrl(1, 3, 32, 0) >> Program(1, 3, 69) # Oboe
#Ctrl(1, 3, 1, MSB) >> Ctrl(1, 3, 32, LSB) >> Program(1, 3, number_intrument) # set a bank and most significant byte MSB and least significant byte LSB along with a program change.
So I can practice at home... :-)

Interesting, you have the right recipe.

However, this is not a problem/issue with the mididings software. You should mark the problem as solved, please.

For help you can ask your questions on this forum https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/mididings

Sorry I am new to Github.
But any way thanks all the authors for mididings.
More examples are needed for beginners as I am.

No problems xerostomus!

If you want examples you can check the WIKI here : https://github.com/dsacre/mididings/wiki
You can take a look at mine here : https://github.com/stefets/live-config it's huge