
Audio Band not displaying any info

Closed this issue · 14 comments

Audio Band is not displaying any information while Spotify is playing music. No song info.

Checked common issues

  • Have uninstalled and reinstalled the toolbar
  • Unchecked and checked the audio source

Version Info

  • Windows version 10
  • AudioBand Version 0.8.0
dsafa commented

Attach the logs and I can take a look at it. %temp%/AudioBand.log

was there ever a fix for this ? im having the same issue

dsafa commented

Did you set up your spotify settings? (the client id and client secret. More info here)

I've followed the steps and the controls appear to be working, although without displaying song info, and the play/pause button does not work, whereas the next and previous song buttons work fine. Will test for a while and report if it does not change. Thank you @dsafa

dsafa commented

Post the logs again if you do and I'll look at it again. There's been issues with spotify setup so it could just be that.

Song title not displaying and buttons are not responsive. Logs attached below

dsafa commented

Can you post logs again? The ones you posted aren't complete (The logs get archived at the end of the day so its missing some information)

dsafa commented

I'm not seeing any errors or indication of an issue which is strange.

  • When you press play/pause/next etc does it play/pause the song in spotify but not in audioband?

As of now, none of the functionality works. The buttons do not produce any action on Spotify. I also do not know how to do a clean install, since certain files cannot be deleted

dsafa commented

After running uninstall, you will need to restart explorer before deleting the files otherwise it will say the files are in use. There is also the settings file under the AppData\Roaming\AudioBand folder to delete.

Are you using the spotify desktop app? The playback buttons are essentially just emulating pressing the button in the app which is why those should at least work. I can't provide much help right now since I can't think of any root cause yet.

I uninstalled and reinstalled. Re-did the Spotify app creation and now app works fine, although the toolbar does have some issue updating the song title when switching from music to podcasts, will see if it persists. Thank you for your help..

What the initial issue was: Audio Band toolbar was not displaying song information.
Fixes tried: Did a clean reinstall and created Spotify app using Spotify dashboard by following @dsafa 's instructions.

dsafa commented

Thats great! Too bad we never figured out the exact cause but I'm glad its working. I'll note it down for the future. Feel free to make another issue if the podcast switching issues become a big problem.