JSONTestSuite test results
l1bbcsg opened this issue · 4 comments
There's this Parsing JSON is a Minefield article which details various issues (mostly in edge cases) across different JSON parsers.
Its author produced a test suit to test various implementations. I've run this test suit against Clarinet (on node 9.6.1), results compared to native JSON.parse
are below (successful tests not shown).
Generally, I think the results are good with Clarinet being pretty close to native implementation and never failing too hard. But there are two things it still does wrong: It does not fail on some wrong inputs and fails on legitimate results consisting of one literal (i.e. null
). The former is pretty minor I think, while the latter may lead to compatibility issues.
I'm raising this issue more for the purposes of discussion. What do you think, should those be addressed?
Results screenshot
Snippet I used to run Clarinet (derived from their JSON.parse
var fs = require('fs');
var path = process.argv[2];
var clarinet = require('clarinet');
var parser = clarinet.parser();
try {
var data = fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf-8');
parser.onerror = function(e) {
throw e;
} catch (e) {
console.log("--", e.message)
Note that at the time of writing the test runner has a really weird bug preventing it from running which isn't hard to patch out though.
This is amazing, thank you so much for this contribution!! Unfortunately I stopped coding a while back and don't find myself with the time to do the corrections.
We need to find a new maintainer to the project to make these changes, and I'm unsure if the module is used enough for this to be a good idea!
Apologies from me, I saw this issue but responding to it slipped through the cracks. I somewhat expected @dscape's response to strongly favor backwards compatibility (including permissive handling of non-compliant input), but if that's not the case I'll be happy to assist.
My own availability is a bit up in the air currently but may include some time to implement corrections. Either way however, I can definitely accept patches for them.
For anyone interested: I forked clarinet into 'bass-clarinet' and that one complies to the full JSONTestSuite testset